Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Congrats to Our Newest Cat 2!!!

Go Sara! She's worked her arse off this year and deserves it. And in case there was any question...this photo is of her winning the Cat 3 Crit Championship (photo courtesy of Jim Wilson)... And yes, she can beat you at arm wrestling too, why do you ask?


Lance Lacy said...

Way to go Sara that's awesome nice job

Don't forget about Robin she kicked ass at Grandview,she won her race and got her 2 upgrade as well

Badger said...

LOL. Jumping the gun Lance! I haven't submitted yet. Gotta support the awesome 540 Series for the W3/4 first!

Lance Lacy said...

HAHA crap please forgive...sorry Robin... to make up for it i will get you that Badger cake i took a pic of

emfadron said...

Congrats to Sara - what tenacity! And Zim, how gracious - always playing the supportive role. Really, isn't it time you upgraded and tried some big girl racing? I know you've got a wedding to plan, but go show those pro women what is up. Or, are you just by your gracious nature a perenial cat 3?

1 vote for a badger blog!!

Zig said...

Thanks for the congrats, guys!

vonteity said...

Nice job, Sara! I knew you could do it. You deserve it!

Emma said...

Congrats Zig!!

You are an inspiration to me!!

I was wondering if you could please email me so I can ask you a few questions (if you have the time)?!!

My email addy is: turboemma@mac.com

Thanx so much!!

Take Care,
Emma =-)