Friday, January 18, 2008

CAWES Mission Statement

The “Women Formerly Known as ABRT” were presented with an opportunity to build a women’s team that will compete at the regional and national level, with the future goal of becoming a truly competitive national level team. The team title sponsor is CycleLife, a new bike shop opening in Washington, D.C. in the Spring of 2008. The women have formed a non-profit organization known as CAWES, Inc. (Capitol Area Women's Elite Squad) that is committed to promoting and encouraging the participation of women in cycling locally and nationally. We will be working with local groups to advance policy initiatives for a greener and healthier lifestyle through cycling and cycling friendly laws. We have partnered with WABA, the Cycling Made Real Series, and the US Women's Cycling Development Program in an effort to accomplish the mission of the organization. We are extremely grateful for the support that members of ABRT and MABRA have shown us and would like to thank them for their continued support in 2008.

Thank you for your support!


Badger said...

How could you forget that while VonT forgot shoes, she did bring cookies. Who needs shoes that fit for an early morning ride. We gotz homemade cookies. All was good.

PlainJane said...

Wait a second ... WE brought cookies. We made them friday night at my place. AND I didnt forget my shoes !! : )

Its all good....